Tax treatment of insurance payments for damaged or destroyed property after a disaster

The Australian weather can be unpredictable, resulting in intense weather conditions. Bushfires, severe storms or floods can cause personal properties and assets a lot of damage. In the case that this does occur, individuals need to determine the tax treatment of any insurance payouts or relief payments that they may receive.  Usually, individuals are unlikely…

Types of partnerships

There are four types of partnerships. The partnership type you choose will depend on what best suits the partners involved.  General Partnership (GP) All partners involved will be equally responsible for the management of the business. Each member has unlimited liability (personally liable) for the debts and obligations that the business incurs.  Limited Partnership (LP)…

SMSF Pensions

SMSF funds can provide pension or lump sum benefits during retirement. Retirement is a condition of super release if you have reached your preservation age. Depending on your date of birth, your preservation age will be between 55 and 60. The benefits from your super are tax-free once you are over the age of 60. …