Your current employer superannuation obligations

Paying your employees superannuation is an integral part of being an employer. Superannuation provides income for your workers in retirement and it is your legal obligation to make sure you are paying your eligible employees the right amount, on time, to the right place and also in the right way. The ATO has also introduced…

What happens if your SMSF is non compliant?

While there are benefits to running an SMSF, they do not come without their compliance responsibilities. This includes lodging your fund’s annual return on time, attending to reporting obligations, and having an investment strategy. SMSFs who do not meet their obligations are subject to penalties by the ATO through the following measures. Education direction An…

Things to know about the First Home Super Saver Scheme

Individuals looking to buy their first home may claim up to $30,000 of their super contributions through the First Home Super Saver (FHSS) Scheme, which aims to reduce pressure on housing affordability. The scheme allows first home buyers to save money within their superannuation fund and accumulate faster savings with the concessional tax treatment of…

Assistance available for SMSFs and their members

The Government’s economic response to coronavirus will provide SMSFs and their members with additional support, including reducing minimum drawdown rates and early release of superannuation. The minimum annual payment required for account-based pensions and annuities has been reduced in an initiative to assist retirees. For the 2019-20 and 2020-21 financial years, the minimum annual payment…

Applying for your superannuation guarantee amnesty

If you are an employer looking to correct past unpaid superannuation guarantee (SG) amounts, you now have a six-month window until 7 September 2020 to apply for SG amnesty. Up until early September, employers will be able to disclose, lodge and pay unpaid SG amounts for their employees. Employers are encouraged to apply for SG…

Managing longevity risk and your superannuation

Longevity risk is a common and important factor to consider when planning for your retirement funds. Longevity risk refers to the risk of outliving your savings and arises as people enter retirement, and in most cases, with a fixed amount of money to use during their retirement years. Managing your longevity risk is important because…

COVID-19 crisis: reviewing your super

While the coronavirus has been causing Australia’s economy to take a recessive turn due to reduced cash flow, there is still no reason to panic about your superannuation investments just yet. However, if you are a middle-aged worker or a soon-to-be retiree, reviewing your superannuation investment strategy may prove helpful for other future unexpected economic…

Investing in shares vs property in SMSFs

Shares and property are two popular investment options for those with a self-managed super fund (SMSF). However, they both have very different attributes and choosing the one that will achieve the best outcome for an SMSF depends on your personal goals and situation. While the price of shares can vary drastically, property is a relatively…