When do you need an ABN?

An Australian business number (ABN) is a unique 11-digit number that the Australian Business Register issues to all businesses, identifying your business to the community and government whilst also making it easier to keep track of business transactions for tax purposes. While it is compulsory for businesses with a GST turnover of $75,000 or more…

Improving your FAQ page

Including a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page on a website can be a great time saver for businesses who deal with repeatedly asked questions from customers and clients. The best approach to optimise these pages correctly is to pay closer attention to the customer’s experience with the business and ensure the page is prominent on…

Are they an employee or a contractor?

Employers that incorrectly treat employees as contractors can face hefty penalties and charges as well as claims for entitlements and superannuation contributions. Even if employers are only hiring someone for a few hours or a couple of days at a time, it must be established whether they are employees or contractors to get tax and…

Effective job advertising

With such a large number of varied job ads online and in print, if you want to attract the best people you have to make your ad stand out. It is also very important to properly convey your workplace culture in the ad so that you do not have to waste time interviewing inappropriate candidates.…

Quick fixes to boost email marketing

While email marketing remains one of the most effective platforms for businesses to reach clients on a personal level, it does not always deliver the results you may be after. If you’re finding that email marketing isn’t going as well as you had hoped, here are five simple ways to improve your campaign: Email automation:Email…

How to write an eye-catching bio

Social media bios are a small window into your company for potential clients. They can show your style, what you do, the promotions you are running or just be a fun read. A well written and thought out bio stands out from those that are lazy, audiences can tell if you treat your bio as…

Evaluating risks in business  

Business owners are faced with constant challenges and tough decisions to make on a day-to-day basis. Risk-taking is often necessary to achieve more in the business, but owners need to make informed choices to avoid potential damages. To manage risk effectively, a proactive stance needs to be taken in identifying and responding to risks before…

Find the perfect employee for you

Picking the wrong employee after a long interview process ultimately results in wasted time and lost money for a business. A successful interview can often start before even meeting, as social networking sites such as LinkedIn are becoming an increasingly popular way to identify job candidates. There are constantly new ideas emerging about how to…

Deduction rules for small businesses

Spending on capital assets usually cannot be deducted immediately. Instead, small businesses claim the costs over time in accordance with the asset’s depreciation. There are many different processes that businesses can employ to make claims on their assets. For small businesses with lower-cost assets, methods such as simplified depreciation or the threshold rule can help…

Teaching your staff to be social media savvy

Although approximately 52% of the Australian population use social media, not everyone understands how online presence, both individual and work-related, reflects on a business. Your staff are representatives of your business meaning their online profiles can unintentionally affect your brand’s image and influence potential customers. While this isn’t always a bad thing, enforcing a social…