Incorporating eCommerce into your business

eCommerce is becoming an effective alternative to traditional face-to-face business operations and may be the change you need to make for your business’ long term growth. eCommerce refers to the buying and selling of products and services online, either with business to business transactions or business to consumer transactions, and is a tool for small…

Remote teams versus virtual teams

As the majority of the workforce transitions to working from home and we rely on the digital world to connect with our colleagues – employers and employees alike – we should consider the future possibilities for recruitment and a digital workplace. A few terms like “remote team” and “virtual team” are constantly being thrown around…

Increasing workplace flexibility

Businesses now working from home can take the opportunity for employers to learn from the experience and consider new work structures coming out of COVID-19. This could mean increased flexibility for employees when it comes to working remotely. Here’s why you should consider flexible work arrangements with your employees. Increase productivity Flexible work arrangements can…

Protecting your staff from phishing scams

Businesses with employees working remotely must consider digital security measures to protect their business assets and the safety of their employees. Phishing scams are a particularly prominent security issue, especially for employees working with their personal devices and networks that may be insecure. Phishing scams are designed to steal information through mediums such as emails…

Communicating effectively with your remote team

Communication is a huge part of business productivity, however, businesses who have made a recent shift from face-to-face work to working remotely can find it difficult to adapt and maintain effective communication. But just because you no longer see your staff face-to-face doesn’t mean that your communication has to suffer. Have a communication plan Whether…

What to consider when dismissing employees due to COVID-19

Despite unprecedented circumstances, employers still need to consider the requirements of dismissal under the Fair Work Act when ending employment to avoid legal action against them. When dismissing or standing down employees due to COVID-19 limitations, employers must continue to comply with the applicable award, enterprise agreement, workplace policy or employment contract, as well as…

How to keep in contact with your clients

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important for businesses to use the web to communicate effectively with their clients and potential customers in order to retain them during such difficult financial times. While the modern internet provides businesses with many avenues to contact their clients, a few key methods you can consider implementing in your…

Ways to retain your employees

Retaining your employees is often a harder task than you think, especially during fluctuating economic conditions and with a growingly skilled and talented workforce. Here are some tips you can implement into your workplace culture to help you retain employees and make sure they are happy working with you! Provide quality leadership, management and supervision:…